What is Loud Shirt Day?
Loud Shirt Day is the annual fundraising campaign of The Hearing House and the Southern Cochlear Implant Programme (SCIP), the only two charities in New Zealand dedicated to helping children and adults with cochlear implants learn to listen and communicate.
New Zealanders are invited to dress up in their brightest and loudest outfits and hold fundraising events at workplaces, homes and schools throughout the country.
Where does the money go?
Both organisations are funded in-part by the Ministry of Social Development. Receiving a cochlear implant is just the beginning of a person’s journey to sound. They will need ongoing, specialist support from The Hearing House and SCIP for the rest of their lives.
Funds raised through Loud Shirt Day ensure The Hearing House and SCIP can continue to provide specialised listening and spoken language therapy to thousands of New Zealanders with cochlear implants.
Hearing loss can happen to anyone at any point. Sometimes there is a genetic cause, there may be a disease process, or it may happen suddenly for no known reason.
Hearing loss affects family life, social interaction, access to mainstream education, and the ability to work. It cuts people off from the hearing world.
About The Southern Cochler Implant Programme (SCIP) and The Hearing House (THH)
The Southern Cochlear Implant programme (SCIP) and The Hearing House (THH) have been providing specialised care to more than 2,600 adults and children who access sound with cochlear implants throughout Aotearoa New Zealand for the past 20 years.
With offices in Auckland (THH), Christchurch and Wellington (SCIP) our passionate and dedicated teams of audiologists, specialised therapists, and support staff deliver a range of services and therapy programmes to assist people with cochlear implants and their wider whānau as they learn to listen and communicate.
Our teams work with clients, whānau and partners to establish a community of care that enables people to make choices about their own lives at each stage of their journey, with a variety of flexible and creative approaches tailored to suit any communication mode, language, or culture.
As charities, we rely on fundraising and donations to bridge the shortfall in the public funding we receive to provide unique services and programmes to our kiritaki (clients), including outreach clinics and the Cochlear Implant Repair Fund, and to help cover our operating costs.
How can people get involved with Loud Shirt Day?
Getting involved can be as simple as making a donation.
Click here to make a one-off donation to Loud Shirt Day today.
You can get LOUD with us by setting up your own individual or team fundraiser. It can be as simple or as exciting as you want to make it. Running a specific activity or event is a great way to really amp up the donations. Get your school, daycare, workplace, friends and whānau involved.
Click here to start your fundraiser
Friday 18 October, 2024
But remember you can #GetLOUD and support the two New Zealand Cochlear Implant programmes any day of the year you like!
All donations received will be held until December and included in the annual fundraising total for this event.
Follow Loud Shirt Day on Facebook and Instagram, and share your fundraising efforts with us using the hashtag
How do I deposit offline donations?
For those of you collecting donations at your event, you can still add these to your online fundraising page.
Just deposit the money into our bank account (details below) and flick us an email with your details and we’ll make sure it’s added to your page.
The Loud Shirt Day account number is 12-3055-0201946-01. When making a deposit, please provide the following details so we can send you a receipt.
Organisation name
Reference: Your phone number, including area code e.g. 095792333
If you would like to bank your donation with ASB Bank, please email us at: reception@hearinghouse.co.nz and we’ll send a banking bag to you.
What is a cochlear implant?
A cochlear implant is a surgically-implanted electronic device that restores hearing for those with profound hearing loss.
Hearing aids become ineffective when the hearing loss is profound. Communication through spoken language becomes impossible. A cochlear implant is the last and only viable treatment that will restore hearing.
Learn more about cochlear implants