This is an update about the services that The Hearing House will provide at Alert Level 2
The situation may change so we will continue to post notices on our website (www.hearinghouse.co.nz). We will also continue to send email updates to you.
If you have any concerns or questions about how these changes may affect your cochlear implant care please call 09-579-2333 or email us reception@hearinghouse.co.nz. You can also use www.hearinghouse.co.nz/contact-us
Things we are doing:
We will continue to provide most of this via tele-therapy but recognise some face to face meetings are needed. We will contact families individually to discuss.
What The Hearing House will look like:
We have prepared The Hearing House and the clinics so that we can provide services safely. We ask you and those that come with you to wear a mask.
When you arrive:
We’ll ask you to use hand sanitiser when you first arrive. You’ll be asked to sign-in any support people attending with you.
We will ask you to scan the QR code.
We’ll ask you a few questions about your health.
We want to minimise clients waiting and so are asking people to enter the building at the time of their appointment.
There will be one entry into the building which is the main entrance. You will be greeted on arrival at the door.
Chairs in our waiting room will be spaced 2 metres apart. We have removed anything from the waiting room that might be a source of infection such as magazines. You will not be able to eat or drink while in our clinics.
There is new signage and markings reminding people of physical distancing guidelines.
If you are collecting equipment or paying for parts and batteries, we’ll have available contactless payment, or you can pay by invoice over the internet. We won’t be accepting cash.
Face masks: We highly recommend that everyone wears a mask. We request you to bring your mask.
In your appointment:
For some services such as taking ear impressions and fitting ear moulds, and when handling speech processors, staff may wear gloves and other protective equipment
The guidelines for Level 2 are 2m of physical distancing and we’ll try to maintain that unless necessary to fit your equipment to your ear
For your safety, our cleaners will be providing sanitisation of all hard and touch surfaces and we’ll be sanitizing clinic spaces between patients. The waiting room will be regularly sanitized through the day
Making client appointments:
This week (and for the next few weeks while we remain at Level 2) we’ll be phoning or texting people to discuss appointments before confirming by email or mail. Clients who are considered “at-risk” or over 70 years can still be seen in clinic but may be asked to wear a mask or other PPE in the appointment. If you are unsure if you should attend a clinic, discuss this with your GP or other relevant specialist first. See here for more information: https://covid19.govt.nz/assets/resources/COVID-19-At-RiskFactsheet.pdf
If you don’t want to travel to an appointment or clinic at this time, we will look to provide an alternative “remote” service. Clients with urgent needs without an appointment who in the past have dropped-in to clinic are encouraged to text, phone, or email our clinics first. If you do drop-in, we may not be able to see you that day. If you are unwell on the day of your appointment or when you travel, please don’t visit us as we won’t be able to see you.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we all adapt to new situations and conditions. Team Hearing House